Launched during 2nd India Water Week in April 2013, Water and Climate Resilience Programme (WACREP) is an innovative initiative of Global Water Partnership (GWP) South Asia devised to improve the climate resilience of South Asian countries to withstand the impact of climate change through the implementation of 8 work packages aligned with GWP strategic goals. The major objectives of the programme are; (a) Develop and integrate ‘no regrets’ water security and climate resilience investments into their development plans, budgets and programs; (b) Identify solutions to address critical water security challenges to enhance climate resilience of countries and communities; (c) Build knowledge and capacity to enhance water security and climate resilience; and (d) Operationalize the GWP network with strategic allies and stakeholders to integrate water security and climate resilience in the development processes. More than 40 climate resilience interventions have been planned for the first phase (October, 2013 to March, 2015) of the programme.
The programme is being implemented by the Country Water Partnerships of GWP-South Asia namely; Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka with the support of national and regional partners. The programme is also having synergies with Regional Institutions and initiatives on on-going climate change projects to ensure its effectiveness. The first Phase of WACREP Programme started in October 2013 and continued until March 2015. This programme under second phase will take up new set of activities.
In India, WACREP Phase-I was implemented by India Water Partnership (GWP-India) in 8 States viz; Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu through 6 Work Packages (WP) viz; WP-1 : Regional and Trans-boundary Cooperation; WP-3: No/Low Regret Investments in National Development; WP-5 : Demonstration Projects – Water, Food, Energy Nexus; WP-6: Capacity Development; WP-7: Knowledge Management; and WP-8: Governance and Fund Raising. Visit the respective Work Packages to view the reports prepared by India Water Partnership under WACREP Phase-I.