Rising in Saharanpur district in the lower Himalayas, the Hindon River and its tributaries (including the Kali River (West), and the Krishni River) flows through six districts of Uttar Pradesh i.e. Saharanpur, Baghpat, Shamli, Muzzafarnagar, Meerut and Gautam Budh Nagar, before it’s confluence with the Yamuna River. A highly populated and predominantly rural catchment, the Hindon River is heavily utilized as a water resource for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses, while untreated groundwater is the primary source of drinking water.
As per CPCB assessment (2013), “the (surface) water quality of Hindon is not meeting the criteria with reference to dissolved oxygen, conductivity, BOD, total coliform and fecal coliform”. Mismanagement of this vital water resource has led to dangerously high pollution levels on the surface water and groundwater throughout the catchment area of Hindon river. A wide range of highly acutely toxic organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals have been identified in the river and groundwater throughout the catchment, at levels that exceed national and international standards for safe bathing and drinking water by several orders of magnitude.
This situation calls for immediate action to be taken by the government bodies and other stakeholders responsible for the protection of both the Hindon River and health of the population suffering from toxic poisoning along the river basin. Action must be taken to reduce indiscriminate use of toxic pesticides within agriculture. Existing legislation and guidelines must be enforced to stop the irresponsible for dumping of untreated toxic industrial effluents into the Hindon River.
Above mentioned problems can be solved only through an integrated approach with a package of water quality and water quantity related measures across sectors and at a river basin scale – from ridge to valley approach. Recognizing this need, India Water Partnership (IWP) in collaboration with 2030 Water Resource Group (2030 WRG) and other local stakeholders prepared a roadmap and vision for the rejuvenation of the Hindon river basin