The National Water Policy-2012 (NWP-2012) approved by the National Water Resources Council was adopted by the Government of India during India Water Week-2013. With regard to climate change, the NWP-2012 had laid special emphasis on preparedness at the micro level. According to it “special emphasis should be given towards mitigation at micro level by enhancing the capabilities of communities to adopt climate resilient technological options”. Consequently, the State Water Policies are required to be aligned with the NWP-2012. IWP had reviewed the State Water Policies of 6 States in line with National Water Policy-2012 in context of climate change. All the reports are appearing under the Review Reports section.
The NWP-2012 also suggests that there is a need to evolve a National Water Framework Law as an umbrella statement of general principles governing the exercise of legislative and/or executive (or devolved) powers by the Centre, the States and the local governing bodies. This should lead the way for essential legislation on water governance in every State of the Union and devolution of necessary authority to the lower tiers of government to deal with the local water situation. In line with this, the IWP has reviewed and examined the existing State level Regulatory and Institutional Framework of 9 State Water Policies to operationalize the NWP-2012. All the reports are appearing under the Review Reports section.