Newslines Empowering Futures – Safe Water Entrepreneurship Training for Youth and Women in Telangana Participatory Ground Water Mangement to address Water Security due to Climate Variability Role of Civil Society for Efficient Water Management Enhancing Capacities of Government Line Departments and other Stakeholders to Address Climate Change through IWRM in Uttarakhand GalPar Agriculture in Maharastra India Water Week-2013 Peoples Area Water Partnership Process planning for IWRDM Plan Revival of Yelganga River_Maharashtra Rajasthan adopts IWRM Shivana Area Water Partnership Formation of Jajmau Area Water Partnership Drought Mitigation Measures in Uttar Pradesh Identification of Priority Issues on Water, Agriculture and Climate Change in India under APAN Formation of Mashi River Parliament with participatory River Basin Management in Semi-arid areas of Rajasthan Wetland Management Plan for 5 Water Bodies of Bhandra and Gondia districts, Maharashtra having Catchment Area of Wainganga River Basin User Satisfaction Survey for safe drinking water in Bihar through the Jalkalp filter, a reliable and affordable water filter enables people to access safe drinking water Integrated Urban Water Planning and Implementation in Ajmer, Rajasthan Participatory basin wide process for Hindon River Rejuvenation Mobilizing youth for Water Resource Management A Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Rejuvenate Hindon River Role of Women-Led Small Water Enterprises in Public Health