AWP was conceptualized to function as platforms for sub-basin level partners. While a Country Water Partnership (CWP) identifies the country’s critical water stressed areas, an AWP focuses more narrowing on a specific river basin where water stress is already a problem or is anticipated within the next 25 years. Within a river basin there are many water users who affect water quality and quantity. The main task of AWP is to identify the inter-dependence of various water related institutions and stakeholders to support them in the sustainable management of their water resources. AWPs therefore need to encourage competing stakeholders to reconcile and adjust their demands in the interests of sustainable water management. The focus of AWPs is to identify and discuss local level issues, resolve conflicts and disputes, find solutions and finally present water related problems of sub basins to the higher authorities. IWP has helped to form several AWPs in different States across the country. For establishment of AWPs in India, a National Workshop for Establishment of AWPs in India was organized in December, 2005 at Nashil, Maharashtra (Click here to see the Proceedings).
Since inception, a total number of 19 Area Water Partnerships (AWPs) were formed by India Water Partnership since its inception (click here to see brief details of all 19 AWPs ). However, many of the AWPs are inactive/non-functional/partially active due to change of leadership or the other reasons. The details of 3 active AWPs are given below:
S.No | Name of AWP | River Basin | Year of Establishment | Area covered(Sq.Km) | Coordinator |
1. | Peoples’ Area Water Partnership | Ramial river(a tributary of Brahmini river) & Ijdrajeet Nallah | 2010 | 10 | Mr. S K Panda, Director, Arun Institute for Rural Affairs, Dhenkanal District, Odisha |
2. | Shivana Area Water Partnership | Shivana River | 2012 | 54 | Mr. Narendra Sipani Chairman & Managing Director. Micro Chem & Sipani Anusandhan Farm, Mandsaur District, Madhya Pradesh |
3. | Wainganga Area Water Partnership | Wainganga river | 2013 | 36306 | Mr. Manish Rajankar, Gondia District, Maharashtra (Supported by Gomukh Environmental Trust for Sustainable Development, Pune Maharashtra- West Zone Water Partnership) |