Zonal Members

Zonal Water Partnerships in India
(Formed by India Water Partnership)

IWP pioneered the concept of Zonal Water Partnerships (ZWP) in 2007. Both IWP and ZWP work closely with the relevant water institutions, universities, CBOs/NGOs and other stakeholders at national, state and local level.  In 2008, IWP stakeholders agreed to establish ZWPs so that IWRM could be made effective at State as well as local and community level. The zones are not based on rigid administrative boundaries, but configured according to hydrological units, so that there is scope to address local contexts and issues that have inter-zonal implications. Membership in zones covers representation from cross-sectional institutions. IWP with the support of ZWPs in India is addressing the water centric issues through Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) which have constitutional authority in the chain of civil authority structure. Prior to developing the concept for establishment of ZWPs, a Consultation Meeting was organized at National Institute of Advanced Studies (NAIS), Bangalore in May, 2007 (click here to see Proceedings).